
Ayurvedic Steam Treatment in Abu Dhabi

Ayurvedic Steam Treatment in Abu Dhabi

Svedana or Swedana is a standard procedure of Ayurvedic Steam Treatment in Abu Dhabi, presently available to experience at Nature Bells Ayurvedic centre, Abudhabi. It is otherwise a type of passive heating to remove body toxins after a part or whole body Ayurvedic massage to enhance oil penetration deep into body tissues for a better medicinal effect. It is also known as Steam therapy which means to “perspire”. The procedure will be done in the Swedhana Ayurveda treatment in Abudhabi according to an Ayurvedic doctor’s instruction who is available at our Ayurveda centre in Abudhabi.

This Ayurvedic Steam Treatment in Abu Dhabi achieves its effect of detoxification and better herbal oil body penetration by exposing a person sitting in a steam chamber or room filled with herbal steam and exposing the whole body to a safe hot object by steam or through herbal leaves and paste covered over the body region. Ideally, the head and neck are not exposed, and the procedure goes until the body is sweating, followed by a warm shower. Scientific studies proved that swedhana Ayurveda treatment in Abudhabi can significantly reduce high blood pressure and Pulse Rate.

There are many types of sweda Ayurvedic Steam Treatment in Abu Dhabi , out of which the most frequently practised are Bashpa swedana and Nadi Swedana.
In Bashpa Swedana entire body is steam bathed, whereas Nadi swedana is for a localized or specific body region. For steaming, a herbal concoction is prepared based on the type of ailment to be treated, the doshic characteristics in treated persons and the skin or body condition. The Nadi swedana is when the steam is applied through a tube to focus on stiff joints or over the energy channels to clear pathways to reduce inflammation.

Note: It is important to note that everyone cannot take this Ayurvedic steam treatment in Abudhabi. It is not advisable in conditions like pregnancy, suffering from particular heart or blood-related ailments, issues of dizziness or vertigo. It is also interesting to read from Ayurvedic scriptures that Swedahan Ayurveda treatment is not a good treatment option for people with excess anger or jealousy. As it was mentioned above, an Ayurveda Doctor is available with us who will decide if this Ayurveda Steam treatment is indicated or not for you.

Benefits of Swedhana Ayurveda treatment:

At Nature bells, this Ayurvedic Steam Treatment in Abu Dhabi can benefit painful joints associated with Arthritis, Neuromuscular problems, sciatica and back pain disorders

Ayurvedic Treatments

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